The goal of this project is to redesign, revamp, and re-encourage a new generation of weather enthusiasts by creating a website for our client (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network) that will attract new eyes to the classic art of meteorology. We've been given the unique opportunity to expand their reach to future weather trackers and reporters. Our designs will hinge on creating a usable site with interactive and personalized features (such as...) as well as providing the expansive archive of educational information that CoCoRaHs already provides, in a more digestible and easily understood way. Our main objective is to produce composites of a website homepage for a mobile device, tablet, and laptop, 2 mobile pages of content, and a 404 error page. We're also tasked with developing a light mode and dark mode version of our webpage.  (WIP)
Client: Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (
Goal: Involve a new group of amateurs in weather tracking and reporting
Audience to Target: High-school students (grades 9-12)
Final Layouts
Presentation Board
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